The scratch and sniff Valentine’s card for KFC that dominated Valentine’s Day.

The Background

Valentine’s Day. A staple in the PR calendar with stories going out left, right and centre. Everyone and their dog is fighting for a share of voice, but in 2020, KFC reigned supreme.

The Idea

We created a series of KFC themed Valentine’s day cards to allow our audience to express themselves to the one they love, while also showing their love for us. Some were crass, some were cute, ALL were loved by media.

But the real kicker was the one the scratch and sniff card that smelt just like our mouthwatering chicken. We knew we needed something on top of just a range of cards to get those conversations started, and people went gaga for it.

The best thing about this idea was it turned our brand fans weapon grade.

Sure, it dominated earned media and online titles, but it was also spread far and wide on social and across WhatsApp. It was one of those ideas people spoke about down the pub. It actually lived in culture.


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